I Was filled with joy and excitement seeing this at the Join or die premiere. The wooden loop is still my favorite clip. Inspiring to see and hear Rachel is taking things into her own hands, expressing her own vision after the fall of Motus. Im here for it!
Rachel, the queen of the streets! Always such an inspiration seeing her move. Was great to see her with some of my favorite american chaps as well. Long live the steet queen! Long live Rachel!
I watched this pretty much daily for the first month after it came out. Such an incredible video that captures what it’s like to be around you guys so well
One of my favourites from the JOD Film Fest, this is such an amazing edit. The interview is full of so much inspiration and vision too, you’re the coolest
The way you overcame adversity and adapted your style when you were injured, but also the way you live your life is super inspiring to me! Cant thank you enough for sharing your story and journey. Much love Egg keep on rocking! <3
Shout out to the Portland, Philly and Colorado Springs scene for holding us down with a place to stay and genuine support for the homie during the filming for this video. Couldnt have done it without them <3
This duo putting out a part together is so important for parkour and its exploration of movement. Great work to both Matt & Kevin, cant get enough of watching each of them move!
Magic minds spinning threads together, what a treat. Left with a smile on my face and some confusion, will be watching again more than once! Big up for making this happen everyone <3
Fishboy and Dr. Eel just delivered a clinic on spot interaction. Move selection was top tier too. I can’t think of better example of pure mastery and understanding of the sport.
So so good
The movement, the music, the art, and that ender 🤯
I just saw Whiplash a few days ago, really added to my appreciation of the music here haha. Can’t wait for Fishboy and Dr. Eel’s next escapade
The baddest bounty hunters in the streets👾👾
Lovely edit, music and ofc movement. Loved it all and enjoying watch after watch. Like someone else said, it feels like a workshop sampler of your guys’ movement, and in that sense it is a delight to get a taste.
I rewound every other clip, and I am going to watch this at least 3 more times this week. I love you all (Josh, Egg, Ross, everyone else, The Commons) for the value you add to my life. I thank you for what it obviously took to make this—frustration, pain, fear, discomfort, effort, time, injury, etc—and also everything else it must have required that isn’t apparent. Your passion is special and important.
So proud of your Marquis! Not everyone can go through life and say they found their “thing”… your thing started with a flip and you added to it, creating a beautiful series of movements. Those movements defy gravity as we know it, allowing you to move through space in a way that appears rhythmic. Now you get to share this with the world, displaying your athleticism, creativity and courageous spirit! Keep soaring Quis!
Quis, Congratulations on completing this spectacular project. You are an amazing athlete and dedicated to your craft. You set a goal and persevered to get it done. We are very proud of this accomplishment. (Just no more subway jumps😱) People are questioning our parenting skills.
When we decided that we wanted to publish videos, we brainstormed a lot of people that we would love to have a project from. You were my first pick, without a doubt. A lot of parkour people in our circle shy away from being an “athlete” — I really appreciate that you embrace that while still having such a unique style. It feels very authentic and your style is truly your own. This is one of the first projects we tried to support, and I am so proud that it has finally come to life after all this time. It’s everything that I imagined 🙂 Congratulations!!!
Without a doubt, this is one of the most beautiful pk films I’ve seen. Big up Marquis! And big up to Manor and the Commons as well. This is a great one.
This interview is everything to me. Absolutely loved the video and getting to hear about the process and your intentions with training. Can’t wait to return again and again
Endless movement to study and be inspired by in this one. Such a cool concept for a video too, the energy in the theatre when it screened was so electric
Yoooo this is awesome!
You rock, Egg 🙂
love u guys
We ARE terrorists 🙂
Purchased the video, just so I can join the new comment section.
So happy to see this up!
The line in the beginning and the amazon prime line are my top 2 fav <3
i love
I Was filled with joy and excitement seeing this at the Join or die premiere. The wooden loop is still my favorite clip. Inspiring to see and hear Rachel is taking things into her own hands, expressing her own vision after the fall of Motus. Im here for it!
homie of the year
5th watch!
Rachel, the queen of the streets! Always such an inspiration seeing her move. Was great to see her with some of my favorite american chaps as well. Long live the steet queen! Long live Rachel!
I watched this pretty much daily for the first month after it came out. Such an incredible video that captures what it’s like to be around you guys so well
One of my favourites from the JOD Film Fest, this is such an amazing edit. The interview is full of so much inspiration and vision too, you’re the coolest
touched, I love you Bryce and Josh <3
The care and attention with which y’all handled and shared these stories is so apparent. Loved this film, a masterpiece for the culture forever
What a beautiful piece of work this was.
The way you overcame adversity and adapted your style when you were injured, but also the way you live your life is super inspiring to me! Cant thank you enough for sharing your story and journey. Much love Egg keep on rocking! <3
Love the articles paired with the videos. The drop pre in the end of the side pre to rail clip was so massive, very cool to get the backstory on that.
wow. Thank u all for this masterpiece.
Yooo this was crazy good!
A pure delight. King of splurge
The goat himself! proud of you bro, incredible piece homie🔥
holy smokes, such a nice piece of art. manor never dissapoints
Pure fun and delight!
yuuuuuhhhh that was another instant classic by manor hell yeah
Shout out to the Portland, Philly and Colorado Springs scene for holding us down with a place to stay and genuine support for the homie during the filming for this video. Couldnt have done it without them <3
This shit was baller as hell, gotta watch again when I’m not sleepy
such a high level of movement and still soo creative
incredible amount of inspiration 🙂
thank u
Loved it!
commenting to prove i was here when this delightful piece of culture dropped
Love it! Matt and Kevin have always put out such creative pieces that are mesmerizing. Great stuff guys!
This duo putting out a part together is so important for parkour and its exploration of movement. Great work to both Matt & Kevin, cant get enough of watching each of them move!
The dynamic duo of movement!
Genuinely one of the most inspiring pieces I have ever seen. The ender had me floooooorrrddd!:)))
I was sooo disappointed when it ended…ready for more. Fishboy and Dr Eel very squidgy.
Certainly one of the best videos I’ll ever see. Spent the entire time with a smile on my face or my jaw on the floor. So incredible
Magic minds spinning threads together, what a treat. Left with a smile on my face and some confusion, will be watching again more than once! Big up for making this happen everyone <3
Fishboy and Dr. Eel just delivered a clinic on spot interaction. Move selection was top tier too. I can’t think of better example of pure mastery and understanding of the sport.
So so good
The movement, the music, the art, and that ender 🤯
I just saw Whiplash a few days ago, really added to my appreciation of the music here haha. Can’t wait for Fishboy and Dr. Eel’s next escapade
The baddest bounty hunters in the streets👾👾
Lovely edit, music and ofc movement. Loved it all and enjoying watch after watch. Like someone else said, it feels like a workshop sampler of your guys’ movement, and in that sense it is a delight to get a taste.
Such a beautiful piece. Loved this one a lot
I keep coming back to this and feel moved the same way every time. You are so inspiring, love to watch you move <3
Baba Video!! Lieben wir x
Goat Emoji
Such a beautiful and inspiring piece. Can’t wait to see you take it home at SPL3 this year!
Amazing. I’ve watched Megan live it … but hearing her talk really openly about it is just great!!
Absolutely perfect video! The car part was phenomenal!
Jealous of the movement, not jealous of the work, and I admire the dedication 🤘
Mind was 90% broken for most of the video until the Lime scooter clip, then it was 100% broken for the remainder.
Such a cool watch, the emotion and theming in here are such unique takes in parkour videos. Loved every second of it
So sick!!
I rewound every other clip, and I am going to watch this at least 3 more times this week. I love you all (Josh, Egg, Ross, everyone else, The Commons) for the value you add to my life. I thank you for what it obviously took to make this—frustration, pain, fear, discomfort, effort, time, injury, etc—and also everything else it must have required that isn’t apparent. Your passion is special and important.
Beautiful work. This is how projects should be made. Happy to pay to support the future of the sport
loved every bit! Thanks everyone involved for all the effort that went into this <3
Endlessly creative and perfectly edited. I don’t even remember how many times I rewound to watch a shot again. Y’all never miss
So proud of your Marquis! Not everyone can go through life and say they found their “thing”… your thing started with a flip and you added to it, creating a beautiful series of movements. Those movements defy gravity as we know it, allowing you to move through space in a way that appears rhythmic. Now you get to share this with the world, displaying your athleticism, creativity and courageous spirit! Keep soaring Quis!
Very inspiring, rlly good stuff
Quis, Congratulations on completing this spectacular project. You are an amazing athlete and dedicated to your craft. You set a goal and persevered to get it done. We are very proud of this accomplishment. (Just no more subway jumps😱) People are questioning our parenting skills.
When we decided that we wanted to publish videos, we brainstormed a lot of people that we would love to have a project from. You were my first pick, without a doubt. A lot of parkour people in our circle shy away from being an “athlete” — I really appreciate that you embrace that while still having such a unique style. It feels very authentic and your style is truly your own. This is one of the first projects we tried to support, and I am so proud that it has finally come to life after all this time. It’s everything that I imagined 🙂 Congratulations!!!
Without a doubt, this is one of the most beautiful pk films I’ve seen. Big up Marquis! And big up to Manor and the Commons as well. This is a great one.
Amazing video and interview, I love all these thoughts and movements
This interview is everything to me. Absolutely loved the video and getting to hear about the process and your intentions with training. Can’t wait to return again and again
Instantly iconic video. I love the animation touches throughout
Endless movement to study and be inspired by in this one. Such a cool concept for a video too, the energy in the theatre when it screened was so electric
I love getting to read these interviews after each project. What a mindblowing video too!
These two are American legends in the making, so stoked to have been here during the come-up!